As a funny joke, ON OURSELVES, we got Coop and Z "dipped cones" for the first time.
This junk was in noses and on glasses.
But the ants at this particular park probably loved us.
(This is a really good pic of the Hubs, I do believe)
Lola was a slight bit jealous of us ice cream eatin' fools.
Now, if you haven't had Dairy Queen's Mocha Moolatte, you need to stop absolutely everything you are doing at this very second and go get yourself one.
I am no ice cream connoisseur, and I don't usually enjoy Dairy Queen, but this shake-y, coffee, chocolate-y thingy was The Shit. Go get one. Now.
Yum-O, right??
I taught the kids how to roll down a (
The Hubs quickly joined in the fun though.
Worked on our planking skills. Mad skills.
Among other... things.
A wonderful day. We did nothing but naps, icecream and the park. That's fabulous in my book.
That's actually a really good plank photo. I've come to enjoy a good planking...
...I don't mean that how it sounds