So, the 31st birthday came and went and it was pretty dang spectacular. Why? I'm not quite sure, but it was fun as hell and so very simple. I think it was my outlook on life that may have made it better. Wait, wait! I must show you some pretty amazingly sexy pictures of the Hubs and I consuming tasty Mexican food:
Twas fantastic. Shrimp tacos and an insane amount of guac. (I put all that "couch to 5K" biz on the back burner on this day weekend!)
The noshing of all things Mexicano took place after a very most fabulous Home School Expo. I gave all my money to the Alpha Omega people so that they in turn will be sending Phonics, Reading, Math and Spelling curricula to the Awesome Sauce hacienda.
Better yet, I touched, fondled and smelled Science and Social Studies curricula all day. I came back with nothing material, but an amazing amount of knowledge. The Hubs gravitated toward all things geography and I gratefully handed that baton over to him, see as how it bores me to pieces. The Coopster could look at maps all day, however. Ah, delegating.
Here's a picture of me while my Z sings happy birthday in that cute tiny kid voice:
Gorgeous. fo' sho'.
Need more? Sure thing.
Just as you are considering screaming, "Enough already!" Ima show you some pics of the herd eating b-day cake. It's pretty funny to sit back and watch. We eat healthy most days, and when they get their hot little hands on something like this you can just see the hypersensitivity joy bubbling up.
A really spectacular day. Besides the fact I am no longer 30. Now a thirty-something. ...and there I shall stay for the next 20 years...
Wait!!!!! Before I go, I know the Hubs would love for you to see this: